Student Wellbeing

Maramba Primary School is committed to providing an environment that develops the holistic child to ensure our students feel valued and cared for, feel they are part of the school community, and can engage effectively in their learning and experience success. We place a great emphasis on supporting student wellbeing at school, at home and in the broader community.


We support students in the following ways:

  • Peer Mediation
  • School Chaplaincy Program
  • eSmart
  • Student Support Services (SSS)


Maramba provides a safe and secure environment, engaging students in their learning, connecting them to the school, enhancing their relationships and improving their self-esteem. Our Human Literacy Pedagogy and is interwoven within the fabric of learning our students engage in everyday. Human Literacy is vital in helping children to develop an awareness of themselves and others in order to enable them to be self-regulatory in a range of situations by focusing on five key elements: Cultural, Social, Physical, Intellectual and Emotional development.


Empowering Our Students


Our Student Wellbeing initiatives support students in developing thinking and communicating skills, while extending our students personal growth. They focus on improving our students’ level of confidence, empathy, cooperation, acceptance and honesty.


To compliment our Wellbeing initiatives, Maramba also offers our students “a voice” by:


Electing a Student Representative Council from Foundation to Year 6 to work alongside the Principal to provide a student perspective of areas which coudl be improved.

Selecting School Leaders such as School, House, Science and Environmental Captains to model our key values of Respect, Relationships, Responsibility and Resilience.

Training student Peer Mediators to support their fellow students and the teachers on playground duty during recess and lunch time.

Pairing Foundation and Year 6 students to enable a smooth transition into primary school life by providing support, leadership and guidance.

© 2025 Maramba Primary School

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