Our Strategic Plan’s goal of achieving quality learning by further developing the Thinking Curriculum is being achieved with the implementation of SOLO Taxonomy and inquiry based learning across the school. The school has taken time to develop staff knowledge of best practice by using a SOLO Taxonomy and inquiry approach underpinned by Bloom’s Taxonomy to assist all students in effective learning, leading to the discovery of new understandings, constructing explanations and drawing conclusions. The Inquiry curriculum integrates all subjects of the new Victorian Curriculum learning standards curriculum focusing on improved student achievement results throughout the Strategic Plan period.
Maramba Primary School is committed to consultation processes, shared decision making and to the provision of a learning environment that utilises contemporary teaching strategies with ongoing assessment and reporting of each child’s progress. The School Improvement Team Leaders and the school staff are committed and empowered to meet the educational, technological, resourcing and social challenges it faces in the future with confidence.
Students are exposed to a school environment where respect, responsibility, relationships and resilience are promoted and risk taking encouraged as the children develop confidence in their own abilities to become positive contributors to our school and lifelong learners. Our aim is to develop in students the qualities and skills that will enable them to adapt to change. The very foundation of the school’s values.
We have high expectations of our students, our teachers and our community.