Everything we do at Maramba is underpinned by our Human Literacy Pedagogy. Students begin each school year by developing a class name that creates a sense of identity and belonging. This is then used to create a class song which they enthusiastically perform and becomes a highlight of their year. Every Monday morning, the whole school participates in Human Literacy lessons where a targeted element for each class is focused on. Class goals are then co-created and students work extremely hard to support each other achieve these class goals.
Human Literacy harnesses the importance of a holistic, values-based education, which promotes safety (including Cybersafety), nurtures a growth mindset, and supports students to be innovative thinkers and actioners. Human Literacy consists of 5 key elements: Social, Physical, Intellectual, Cultural and Emotional (known as the S.P.I.C.E. elements). Students are explicitly taught social skills in order to develop healthy relationships and a positive start to school.
Socially, students need to know how to develop affirming relationships, be a leader and a team player, as well as become a proactive citizen online and offline.
Physically, students need to be able to make healthy choices that support body and neurological development. We need students with an environmental conscience that can act as environmental change-makers.
Intellectually, students need to be innovative and reflective problem solvers that are able to respond to new challenges, set values-based goals and achieve success.
Culturally, students need to know that they matter, and develop a growth-mindset that will support their attitude, identity and a positive outlook.
Emotionally, students need to be able to understand their emotions, to be able to bounce back from difficulties and develop emotional intelligence that will assist them to flourish.