Performing Arts at Maramba

The Performing Arts program has a strong focus on music, but also incorporates dance, drama and ICT.  The Musical Futures approach underpins all lessons:

  • Learning like a Musician.  
  • Students learn to play the ukulele in the Foundation classes, while the middle and upper school have access to guitars, bass guitars, keyboards and drums.
  • Senior students regularly work in bands, and every student is included in a band.  
  • In the Early Years, students are introduced to the musical elements while in the middle and senior year groups; they incorporate the elements into their compositions. Students use Macbooks and iPads to compose and record music and music video clips.  

At the end of each term, students perform at MPAC (Maramba Performing Arts Concert), to show what they have learnt during that term.  These concerts are run and hosted by the Performing Arts Captains, a student led audio team, and student roadies.

School Musical Production Students who undertake lessons or show a talent with their instrument can create a rock band.  These bands rehearse at lunchtime have opportunities to perform throughout the year.  Students who enjoy singing can be lead singers for each band.

Instrumental Musical ProgramPony Music provide our instrumental teachers, Ben, who teaches guitar, vocals, bass guitar and drums.

Mrs Joane Clarke teaches extra-curricular keyboard lessons on Fridays, during lunch, afternoon sessions at school.

Maramba Singers and Rock Bands 

Each year, Maramba performs a musical theatre production. In previous years, this has been performed by students from Years 4 to 6: however, in 2018 will be our first year holding a whole school performance with students form Foundation to Year 6 participating.

What Makes Musical Futures, Musical Futures?

Musical Futures believes music learning works best when young  people are making music, and when their existing passion for music is reflected and built-upon in the classroom.Its core aim is to promote, support and develop high quality teaching and learning of music through a variety of innovative approaches that focus on the classroom in schools across Australia.  

So what defines Musical Futures in practice?

  • ​A variety of non-formal and informal teaching and learning approaches grounded in secure pedagogy
  • Practical work on instruments/voice, creating authentic musical experiences in whole class making possible the universal provision of music learning across individual classrooms, schools and school systems
  • An aural learning approach that develops “sound before symbol”, fully integrating listening with practical music making, improvising and composing
  • Musical Futures learning is student centred learning.  Students are motivated and engaged by music they value and that is relevant to them, before moving onto other musical and learning styles
  • Technique, notation and other forms of written instruction are part of the process but are developed through practical playing
  • Teachers and practitioners act as facilitators, through showing rather than telling, and through guiding and modelling rather than instructing
  • Develops skills and confidence in teachers enabling them to deliver high quality MF approaches
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